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Showing posts from March, 2009

Small Group in the Dark

Have you ever been in a basement when the power went out? There is little if any light. You cannot see what is going on; you have to feel your way through the room or just stand still until the lights come back on. Now imagine trying to conduct a small group in that dark basement. It would be crazy. You wouldn’t know who was there, whether they were paying attention, etc. Well, if we as leaders fail to bring God’s word to our small group meetings and let it shine brightly throughout the meeting, we might as well be having small group in the dark. And as Dave Harvey writes in the final chapter of Why Small Groups, “it’s easy to look good in the dark.” Without the light of God’s word, we can easily just discuss what sounds good to us. Our small group members can easily hide sins. We can look pretty good to everyone – except God. Psalm 119:105 tells us we need the light of God’s word to know what steps to take & to stay on the path with Him: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light ...