A few weeks ago in response to Pastor James’ message on the letter to the church in Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29), I challenged you to make sure your small group confronts sexual sin. What steps can we take to cut off sexual sin in our lives and in the lives of our small group members? What resources are available? Set guard rails far back from the cliff – See Pastor James' "5 Moral Fences" article ( http://www.harvestrollingmeadows.org/Content/4/181688.pdf ) Examine current behaviors – Purity Questions from Pastor James' message "Convicted on Purity" from August 2006 ( http://www.harvestrollingmeadows.org/Content/4/183856.pdf ) Repent and invite accountability - Asking for accountability and receiving it is a fruit of repentance. Support one another and hold each other truly accountable – CRAMP accountability model ( http://www.harvestrollingmeadows.org/Content/4/176131.pdf ) Remember all men’s small groups are to use the CRAMP model for accountability. Ask...
Thoughts & reflections from the walk of an unremarkable man doing his best to glorify the truly remarkable God